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Board Approves Kings Crossing Development
Great news for Richmond Highway, the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors APPROVED the Novus Kings Crossing Development...
Is Retail Doomed Slides Available
Slides from today's Summit Series event, "Is retail doomed? Proven strategies to create thriving mixed-use...
Planning Commission Defers Vote on Kings Crossing Development
Via Covering the Corridor: "The Fairfax County Planning Commission deferred a vote on the proposed Kings Crossing...
NAIOP Mid-Year Forecast: Retail Vacancies Growing, Industrial Declining
(Slide courtesy of NAIOP) On Wednesday, July 12 NAIOP Northern Virginia held its mid-year forecast for the office,...
July Events: Disruptive marketing, Is retail doomed? and the Grand Opening of Bevloir Square Apartments
Join SFDC in July for three GREAT events: July 20, 8:30am-10:00am, Business Roundtable: Disruptive marketing for small...
Labor Shortage in Construction Trades?
Labor Shortage in Construction Trades? By Edythe Kelleher, Executive Director, Southeast Fairfax Development...